ࡱ> oqn R6Tbjbj04}<y>$/4B oJ6J66\\\\> :  NwmPNf[begNSYuf[u3uh^f[Su Application Form for International Students Shanghai Conservatory of MusicNon-degree Program bgqY Passport Surname bgq T Passport Given Name -NeY T Chinese NamegqGr Photo'`+RSexQuegDate of BirthVM| NationalityQu0WpPlace of BirthbgqSx Passport No.bgq gHeg Valid Until[YeON ReligionZZYrQ Marital Status Kb:gSx Mobile phone No.,gVT|e_Address in Your Home Country 5u݋Tel Zip codeU_SPge[0W@WAddress of Receiving Admission Documents 5u݋Tel Zip codegTf[S Highest Academic Degree 5uP[{Emails]\Obf[`NUSMO Employer or Institution vMRt^~S@bf[NN Current Grade & Major3uNNT;NOyv Field of Study & Subjects%Il Chinese Language %PNۏO Music Major(Please Select from below)eQf[eIntake time t^Yr. gMo. f[`NeStudy Duration: %1f[g1 Semester ; %2f[g2 Semesters; %1t^N NMore than two Semesters%\OfComposition. %c%cConducting %lPNChinese Traditional Instruments %PNf[ Musicology %4tPiano %XPNLkgRVoice& Opera %{&_Orchestral Instruments %PNYeMusic Education %z/g{tArts Administration %PN] zMusic Engineering %sNhVPNNSbQPNModern Instruments and Percussion %PNbgRMusic Theatre b;NOyvMajor to Apply IlRChinese Proficiency (WUOYf[`Nstudy from % (W,gVHome % (W-NVChina % vQN0WeOther places -Ne4ls^ՋfNHSK Certificate Level f[`Nestudy hours %<100 hours %100<"300 hours %300<"600 hours % 600<"900 hours %900<"1200 hours %>1200 hourscPN/:gg Recommended by ~9egnSource of Funding 9(Self-supporting) !hENAmExchange Student Yl*gn18\3ukXQN NvbNOo` Note: Applicant under 18 should fill in the part of Guardian s informationvbNY T/'}%`T~N Guardian /Emergency Contact Person VM|NationalityNvbNsQ|Relation to the applicant 5u݋ Telephone: Email:vbNOGuardian hereby affirms that vcwu NNNf[`NvvNYv;mRv^Ou[,g0Wl_To supervise the applicant not to do anything not applicable for an exchange student; and assure him/her will abide by the local laws. cwOuRRf[`Nv^u[ NwmPNf[bvTyĉz6R^To urge the applicant to exert to study industriously and observe the pe(*,Tn~  R T b d f l r ʽʽʽymyayyYmyYmh#:CJPJhP7hBCJPJo(hP7h2CJPJo(hP7hzCJPJhP7hzCJPJo(hlCJPJo(hBdCJPJaJo(h_*CJPJaJo(h_*h_*CJPJaJo(hKHhBdCJPJaJhKHhBdCJPJaJo(&hh_*5CJ$OJPJQJaJ$o(&hhBd5CJ$OJPJQJaJ$o(*  H J T n t $IfgdBd $$1$Ifa$gdz $Ifgde^\ $Ifgdz $dpa$gdBd$a$gdBd ^ULL $Ifgde^\ $Ifgdlkd$$Ifl4?\,$-  `y 0&64 laPf4yt qhh_ $Ifgde^\ $IfgdBdkd$$Ifl4VF$-  y 0&6    4 laPf4ytP7 H J R f n p       , . >     H J L ` ն՟͟͟͟ŸՓhP7hCJPJo(hP7hnECJPJo(hP7h7 CJPJo(hP7h7 CJPJhP7hBCJPJo(hP7hzCJPJh7 CJPJhP7hzCJPJo(h2CJPJhP7h2CJPJo(hP7h2CJPJ1  " 0 H {{{{ $Ifgde^\{kd$$Ifl4I0$- {0&64 laPf4ytH J T f p {{rrrrr $Ifgd7 $IfgdMZe{kdP$$Ifl4v0 $ 0&64 laPf4ytP7    , qh_V_ $IfgdN: $Ifgde^\ $Ifgd2kd$$Ifl4F $  0&6    4 laPf4ytP7, . || $IfgdN: $Ifgde^\ $Ifgd2hkd$$Ifl4=$&0&64 laPf4yt  $Ifgd7 hkdZ$$Ifl41$&0&64 laPf4yt   J L b {{{rr $Ifgd $IfgdP7{kd$$Ifl40,$H`0&64 laPf4ytP7` b   z | ~ ʿʿʱʿʥʗʋʀtht\hh CJPJo(hh#:CJPJo(hh7 CJPJo(hh7 CJPJhh7 >*CJPJhh7 >*CJPJo(hhBCJPJo(hh7 CJOJPJo(hh7 CJPJhh7 CJPJo(h7 CJPJhP7hzCJPJhP7hCJPJo(hP7hCJPJ"   Z {{pggT{{0$IfWD^`0gd $Ifgd_* $$1$Ifa$ $Ifgde^\{kd$$Ifl40,$H`0&64 laPf4ytP7  &,@BDbf$zĹٍٖٖٖٖٖٖٖseZhVhzPJaJhhz>*CJPJo(hh#:>*CJPJo(hhCJPJo(h#:CJPJo(hhXCJPJo(hu2h7 CJPJhh7 CJPJo(hh8"CJPJh8"CJPJo(hh#:CJPJo(hh#:CJPJo(hh#:CJOJPJo(hh CJPJo( BDH4h_______ $Ifgd#:kdN$$Ifl4 F,$  `0&6    4 laPf4ytG~ $Ifgde^\ H*J $Ifgd#:hkd>$$Ifl4$&0&64 laPf4ytG~ (0Thlp (NPrtz| 024HJLZܧܧܧܧzhhzCJPJo(hVh#:PJaJhh#:CJPJhhBCJPJhh#:CJPJQJhh#:>*CJPJo(hhCJPJo(hh#:CJOJPJo(hh#:CJPJhh#:CJPJo(hhBCJPJo(+JL\z|xk^ & F$Ifgd65 h$If^hgdG~ & F$Ifgd)l $Ifgda $Ifgdhkd$$Ifl4$&0&64 laPf4ytG~ Z`z|0$&(TtԿxlaxlxaxaxaxaVhhPJaJhhz PJaJhhTHPJaJo(hhz PJaJo(hVhz PJaJhehz PJaJhehz PJaJo(h{.hz 5CJPJo(hVh#:PJaJhh)lCJPJo(hzCJPJo(hhG~CJPJo(h)lCJPJo(hhzCJPJo(hhzCJPJ0xx $$Ifa$gd%{kdl$$Ifl4 0$0&64 laPf4ytG~(F| $Ifgd $Ifgde^\ $Ifgdz hkd $$Ifl4$&0&64 laPf4yte 2Lf(4>@pFFFFF^GlGGGG(H`HzHII@IZI|IIIIIĶhehz CJPJaJUhehz CJPJaJo(hehKHCJPJaJhehKHCJPJaJo(hVhz PJaJo(hhlPJaJhhlPJaJo(hhz PJaJo(hhPJaJo(3@FGIZIqh[NNNE $IfgdX & F$IfgdKH & F$Ifgdz $IfgdKHkd $$Ifl4<F,$Hy 0&6    4 laPf4ytertinent rules and regulations of Shanghai Conservatory of Music. cwOu ceN~Ty9(u u N/eN gsQ9(ue 1ub#/eNTo urge the applicant to pay the necessary fees on time; and will be liable to him/her for the payment which in case he/she is not able to afford to pay. #u(W NwmPNf[bf[`NgSuaYNEevYt]\OTo handle the accident that the applicant meets during his/her study period at Shanghai Conservatory of Music. vbN~{W[ eg Signature of Guardian Date3uN(WcN,g3uhe TecN NRPgeApplicant must submit the following documents with this form when applyingbgq YpSN gؚf[SfNSb~US b T9Nl^500CQ!hENbcudY b TgqGr N _ NPNNN gsQvTDe ~20R eP^f vQNvsQDe(YPN^cPOI{) f[!hcPQSx`NRNP!hENbcuyv The copy of passport The copy of your highest academic degree and transcript Application feeRMB500except exchange student Three passport-size photos Music recordings within 20 minutes (CD or DVD) about the major study Health Certificate blood test report Other documents: recommendation letter, etc. The recommendation letter from current university and Study Plan (only for exchange student program)[ 3u Apply for accommodation: %eǏf[!h[cOO[No need for accommodation arrangement by SHCM %3uYuf[u[ f[!h\9hnc[E`QMApplying for International Student Dormitory. 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