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Ill urge my ward to study industriously and observe the pertinent rules and regulations of the university. Ill urge my ward to pay the necessary fees on time; and I will be liable to my ward for the payment which in case my ward is unable to pay the fees. Ill handle the emergency and accidents that my ward shall have during his/her study period at Shanghai Conservatory of Music. 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(passport copy should be the page with the photo of the passport-holder.) Address: International Students Office of Shanghai Conservatory of Music, No.20 Fen Yang Road, Shanghai, 200031 P.R.China Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:2205542773@qq.com" 2205542773@qq.com     H>|>>>>>>@?B????h@@A$A~AABB|CD dh$G$IfgdaB dh$G$If.$IfWD^`.$If d$If & Fd$IfB?H?J?p????????h@j@@@@@@@@@A$A&A*AA~AABBBBBC"ChCCCCCCCCCDDDDɴɴɝɴɑɑۀjh,=Uh}PJaJo(jhcPJUaJh3KPJaJo( h aJo( hcaJo(hcPJaJnHo(tHhcPJaJhcPJaJo(haBPJaJo( hcPJo(hcCJPJjhcCJPJUhcCJPJo(0DDDD D DDDDDDD D"D||||gdy"|kd $$If4 06& I0R(44 laPf4yt D DDDDDD D"D hcPJo(jh,=Uh,=0182P. 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