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The glory of the Silk Road in the past should be the starting point where the cultures of different countries meet and continue growing. In order to better enhance cultural exchanges with the countries along the Silk Road and strengthen the training of talents, Shanghai Conservatory of Music (SHCM), under the policy support of the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, plans to organize the Belt and Road Art Talent Training Program 2019 with Shanghai Theatre Academy from June 10th, 2019 to July 5th, 2019 on the basis of both institutions' characteristics and discipline advantages to enable students from all over the world to learn Chinese art and culture in a multi-dimensional, multi-angle and multi-faceted manner through the study of the traditional Chinese culture. Theme The Belt and Road Art Talent Training Program 2019 will focus on the comparison of the art culture of countries along the land and maritime Silk Road and invite prestigious educators, performing artists and young teachers to deliver a comprehensive program that combines learning, appreciation and experience for international students, where they will learn Chinese art culture in a multi-dimensional, multi-angle and multi-faceted manner while exchanging the music culture of different countries. Activities The program will include master classes, Chinese music workshops, Chinese opera workshops, special lecture series, tutoring classes, Chinese classes, cultural activities, etc. Professors and experts of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music and in related fields will be invited to deliver workshops which focus on Chinese folk music, Chinese vocal works, Chinese piano art works, Chinese percussion works, etc. At the same time, there will be special lectures themed around World National Music. A concert will also be held to display students achievements. Enrollment Quota This program is, in principle, open to foreign students and scholars outside China between the age of 16 and 45. A total of 30 applicants will be enrolled as scholarship participants, among them 15 are Shanghai Government Scholarship winners, and 15 SHCM scholarship winners. Selection will be organized by the organizing committee based on the application materials and the list of admitted participants will be announced on the official website of the SHCM  HYPERLINK "http://iso.shcmusic.edu.cn" http://iso.shcmusic.edu.cn Application Requirements Application period: Mar. 10, 2019 Apr. 20, 2019 Application materials (1) Application Form for the Belt and Road Art Talent Training Program 2019 (2) A print copy or scanned copy of the biographical page of your passport; (3) A curriculum vitae; (4) Three passport-size photos; (5) Audio CD or DVD materials (one or two pieces of music that last about five minutes in total), please send the e-files to 2205542773@qq.com. Please mark the email with  Belt and Road Program: Your name - nationality e.g  Belt and Road Program: Mike - US Related costs The fees for application, tuition, accommodation, activities, teaching materials and comprehensive insurance will be covered by the scholarship, w.0& * @ R X j n r     J D F T fƽƴܤƐmm_N h*h^QB*CJaJo(phh?m0B*CJaJo(ph#h*hmT5B*CJaJo(ph h*hmTB*CJaJo(phhmTCJaJo(hmT5CJaJo(hnj!hmTCJOJQJaJo(hnj!CJQJo(hCJQJo(hmTCJQJo(hnj!CJOJQJaJo(hmTCJOJQJaJo(hmTCJOJQJaJhmT5CJaJo(",.     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